
A Strong Foundation: Securing Accounts and Devices

မျှားယူခြင်း- စက်များနှင့် အကောင့်များတွင် အတွေ့ရများသော ခြိမ်းခြောက်မှု

မျှားယူခြင်းသည် ကမ္ဘာပေါ်ရှိ အဖွဲ့အစည်းများပေါ်အတွေ့အများဆုံးနှင့်အထိရောက်ဆုံး တိုက်ခိုက်မှု ဖြစ်သည်။ ဤနည်းပညာကို ဆန်းပြားရှုပ်ထွေးသော နိုင်ငံတော်အဆင့် စစ်တပ်အများစုအပြင် သေးနုပ်သော လူလိမ်များက အသုံးပြုပါသည်။ မျှားယူခြင်းသည် ရန်သူက သင် သို့မဟုတ် သင့်အဖွဲ့အစည်း အလိုမပါဘဲ အချက်အလက်များကို မျှဝေလာအောင် သင့်ကို လှည့်စားဖို့ ကြိုးပမ်းသည့် ရိုးစင်းသော ဖြစ်ရပ် ဖြစ်သည်။ မျှားယူခြင်းသည် အီးမေးလ်များ၊ စာတိုမက်ဆေ့ချ်များ/SMS (SMS မျှားယူခြင်း သို့မဟုတ် “ဖုန်းအခြေပြုမျှားယူခြင်း” ဟု ဆိုကြသည့်)၊ WhatsApp ကဲ့သို့ စာပို့အက်ပ်များ၊ လူမှုမီဒီယာ မက်ဆေ့ချ်များ သို့မဟုတ် ပို့စ်များ သို့မဟုတ် ဖုန်းခေါ်ဆိုမှုများ (အသံမျှားယူခြင်း သို့မဟုတ် “အသံဖြင့်မျှားခြင်း” ဟု ဆိုကြသည်) မှတဆင့် ဖြစ်လာနိုင်သည်။ မျှားယူသော မက်ဆေ့ချ်များသည် အကောင့်တစ်ခုသို့ ဝင်သုံးခွင့် ရယူရန် အလို့ငှာ သင့်အား ထိခိုက်လွယ်သော အချက်အလက်များ (စကားဝှက်များကဲ့သို့) ကို အတုအယောင် စကားဝှက်သို့ ရိုက်ထည့်လာစေရန် ကြိုးပမ်းနိုင်သည်၊ အသံ သို့မဟုတ် စာတိုမှတဆင့် သီးသန့် အချက်အလက်များ (ခရက်ဒစ်ကတ် နံပါတ် ကဲ့သို့) မျှဝေလာခိုင်းနိုင်သည် သို့မဟုတ် သင့်စက်ကို ကူးစက်စေနိုင်သည့် မဲလ်ဝဲ (ကြိုတင်ကြံရွယ်သော ဆော့ဖ်ဝဲ) ကို ဒေါင်းလုဒ်လုပ်ရန် အယုံသွင်းနိုင်သည်။ နည်းပညာနှင့်မဆိုင်သော ဥပမာအတွက်၊ ဘဏ်အကောင့် အပေးအယူအလုပ်ခံထားရကြောင်း သို့မဟုတ် အထောက်အထား အခိုးခံထားရကြောင်း ပြောပြသည့် အတုအယောင် ဖုန်းခေါ်ဆိုမှုများ သန်းနှင့်ချီ၍ နေ့စဉ် ကြားနေရပါသည်၊ ၎င်းတို့အားလုံးကို မသိနားမလည်သူများအား အထိမခံသော အချက်အလက်များ မျှဝေလာအောင် လှည့်စားဖို့ ဒီဇိုင်းထွင်ထားသည်။

 Phishing and Parliaments

Phishing email

Sophisticated, personalized phishing attacks target parliaments and other government actors around the world regularly.

Federal and local parliamentary officials in Germany were targeted by phishing emails in the run-up to elections in the fall of 2021. Just a few months prior in Afghanistan, a hacking group used phishing techniques to successfully infiltrate the former National Security Council by taking on the identity of former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s press spokesman. The hackers sent phishing emails (shown above) that asked victims to open an attached file that the “spokesman” claimed contained an error. When the victims downloaded and opened the file to “confirm the error,” the malicious attachment deployed malware that granted the hackers sustained access to the computers. Such access enabled the hackers to upload and download files, run commands on the devices at will, and steal highly sensitive government data.

How can we identify phishing?

Phishing can sound sinister and impossible to catch, but there are some simple steps that everyone in your parliament can take to protect against the majority of attacks. The following phishing defense tips are modified and extended from the in-depth phishing guide developed by the Freedom of the Press Foundation, and should be shared with everyone in and around parliament and integrated into your security plan:

Sometimes, the "from" field is lying to you

Be aware that the "from" field in your emails can be faked or forged to trick you. It is common for phishers to set up an email address that looks a lot like a legitimate one that you are familiar with, misspelled just a bit to trick you. For example, you may receive an email from someone with the address “[email protected]" as opposed to “[email protected]”. Notice the extra Os in google. You may also know someone with an email address “[email protected]”, but receive a phishing email from an impersonator who set up “[email protected]” - the only difference being a subtle change of letters at the end. Always be sure to double-check that you know the sending address of an email before proceeding. A similar concept applies to phishing via text, calls, or messaging apps. If you get a message from an unknown number, think twice before responding to or interacting with the message.

Beware of attachments

Attachments can carry malware and viruses, and commonly accompany phishing emails. The best way to avoid malware from attachments is to never download them. As a rule, do not open any attachments immediately, especially if they come from people you do not know. If possible, ask the person that sent you the document to copy-paste the text in an email or to share the document via a service like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, which have built-in virus scanning of most documents uploaded to their platforms. Build an organizational culture where attachments are discouraged.

If you absolutely have to open the attachment, it should only be opened in a safe environment (see the Advanced section below) where potential malware cannot be deployed to your device.

If you use Gmail and receive an attachment in an email, instead of downloading it and opening it on your computer, simply click on the attached file and read it in “preview” within your browser. This step allows you to view the text and contents of a file without downloading it or allowing it to load possible malware onto your computer. This works well for word documents, PDFs, and even slideshow presentations. If you need to edit the document, consider opening the file in a cloud program like Google Drive and converting the file to a Google Doc or Google Slides.

If you use Outlook, you can similarly preview attachments without downloading them from the Outlook web client. If you need to edit the attachment, consider opening it in OneDrive if that’s available to you. If you use Yahoo Mail, the same concept applies. Do not download attachments, but rather preview them from within the web browser.

Phishing Defense for Your Parliament

If your parliament uses enterprise Microsoft 365 for email and other applications, your domain administrator should configure the Safe Attachments policy to protect against dangerous attachments. If using enterprise Google Workspace (formerly known as GSuite), there is a similarly effective option that your administrator should configure called Google Security Sandbox. More advanced individual users can consider setting up sophisticated sandbox programs, such as Dangerzone or, for those with the Pro or Enterprise version of Windows 10, Windows Sandbox.

Another advanced option to consider implementing across parliament is a secure domain name system (DNS) filtering service. Parliaments can use this technology to block staff from accidentally accessing or interacting with malicious content, providing an additional layer of protection against phishing. New services like Cloudflare’s Gateway provide such capabilities to organizations without requiring large sums of money. Additional free tools, including Quad9 from the Global Cyber Alliance Toolkit, will help block you from accessing known sites that have viruses or other malware and can be implemented in less than five minutes.

Regardless of what tools you have at your disposal, the best approach is simply to never download attachments that you do not know or trust, and regardless of how important an attachment might seem, never open something with a file type you do not recognize or have no intention of ever using.

Click with caution

Be skeptical of links in emails or other text messages. Links can be disguised to download malicious files or take you to fake sites that might ask you to provide passwords or other sensitive information. When on a computer, there is a simple trick for making sure a link in an email or message will send you to where it is supposed to: Use your mouse to hover over any link before clicking on it, and look in the bottom of your browser window to see what the actual URL is (see image below).

Outlook inbox photo

It is more difficult to check links in an email on a mobile device without accidentally clicking on them - so be careful. You can check the destination of a link on most smartphones by long-pressing (holding down) on a link until the full URL pops up.

In phishing via SMS and messaging apps, shortened links are a very common practice used to disguise the destination of a URL. If you see a short link (e.g., or instead of the full URL, do not click on it. If the link is important, copy it into a URL expander, such as, to see the actual destination of a shortened URL. Furthermore, do not click on links to websites you are unfamiliar with. If in doubt, perform a search for the site, with the site name in quotation marks (e.g. “”) to see if it is a legitimate website. You can also run potentially suspicious links through VirusTotal’s URL scanner. This is not 100 percent accurate, but it is a good precaution to take.

Finally, if you click on any link from a message and are asked to log in to something, do not do it unless you are 100 percent sure that the email is legitimate and is sending you to the appropriate site. Many phishing attacks will provide links that send you to fake login pages for Gmail, Facebook, or other popular sites. Do not fall for them. You can always open a new browser, and go directly to a known site like,, etc. yourself if you want or need to login. That will also take you to the content, safely – if it was legitimate in the first place.

What should we do when we get a phishing message?

If anyone within parliament receives an unsolicited attachment, link, image, or an otherwise suspicious message or call, it is important that they immediately report it to the IT security point-person(s) or team. If you do not yet have such an individual or team, you should identify them as part of developing your security plan. Staff and members can also report the email as spam or phishing directly in Gmail or Outlook.

Having a plan in place for what staff, members, or volunteers should do if/when they receive a possible phishing message is crucial. In addition, we recommend taking these phishing best practices - not clicking on suspicious links, avoiding attachments, and checking the “from” address - and sharing them with others that you work with, preferably through a widely-used communication channel. This illustrates that you care about the people you are in communication with, and encourages a culture across your networks that is alert and aware of the dangers of phishing. Your security depends on those organizations you trust, and vice versa. Better practices protect everyone.

In addition to sharing the tips above with everyone, you can also practice identifying phishing with the Google Phishing Quiz. We also strongly recommend setting up regular phishing training with staff to test awareness and keep people vigilant. Such training can be formalized as part of regular team and parliamentary meetings, or held more informally. What is important is that everyone involved in parliamentary operations feels comfortable asking questions about phishing, reporting phishing (even if they feel they might have made a mistake such as by clicking a link), and that everyone is empowered to help defend parliament against this high impact and high likelihood threat.


  • Regularly train members and staff on what phishing is and how to spot it and defend against it, including phishing on text messages, messaging apps, and phone calls, not just email.
  • Frequently remind members and staff of best practices such as:
    • Do not download unknown or potentially suspicious attachments.
    • Check the URL of a link before you click. Do not click unknown or potentially suspicious links.
    • Do not provide sensitive or private information via email, text, or phone call to unknown or unconfirmed addresses or people.
  • Encourage reporting of phishing.
    • Establish a reporting mechanism and point-person for phishing within parliament.
    • Reward reporting, and do not punish failure.