Bezbednost na internetu
Kada koristite internet na telefonu ili kompjuteru, vaša aktivnost može reći dosta toga o vama. Važno je da osetljive informacije – poput korisničkih imena i lozinki koje unosite na sajtovima, vaših postova na društvenim mrežama, ili u određenom kontekstu čak i imena sajtova koje posetite - od tuđih pogleda. Takođe je uobičajen problem blokiranje ili ograničavanje pristupa određenim sajtovima ili aplikacijama. Ova dva problema – nadzor i cenzura na internetu – idu ruku pod ruku i samim tim su strategije za smanjivanje njihovog uticaja slične.

Surveillance, Censorship, and Parliaments
Unfriendly governments and other threat actors across the globe are using increasingly accessible surveillance technology, and in some cases simple Wi-Fi hacking, to monitor the online activity of MPs and others working in parliament. For instance, hackers stole data from European parliamentary staff and visitors by spoofing the Parliament’s public Wi-Fi network in 2013. A preview of much more sophisticated attacks in years to follow.
In addition to hijacking internet traffic and stealing data, adversaries also disrupt critical parliamentary operations by blocking internet access and systems. In Brussels, Belgium’s parliament was knocked offline by a massive denial of service attack in May 2021. The attack forced the postponement of some debates and committee meetings, as users could not access the virtual services required to take part in the session.
The increasing frequency of such attacks on access to and freedom of information online highlights just how essential it is for parliaments to understand the risks of operating on the internet and develop plans for how to connect when connectivity is impacted.